What’s my future going to be? What kind of job do I want?
When I was in China, especially in high school, most of my classmates were not Christian, so I felt like I was the only one. I felt that...
Even though it was all happening right before my eyes, my mind was not fully processing what was goi
“It was Friday, October 24, 2014. I was sitting in my fifth period physics class, when the fire alarm start to blare. My whole class...
What doesn’t kill you will always make you stronger
“Growing up I struggled in school. I was the kid whose grades consisted of C’s and D’s. My mom was never a part of my life and my dad was...
Just like black lives, words matter
“I was raised in the black church tradition and there was one song I absolutely hated. It was called, What Do You Know About Jesus? The...
That was a big step for me...because I stopped doing what other people wanted me to do
“Ever since I was super little, around six, my sister and I started playing softball together - it’s our ‘family sport’. My grandparents...