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I want to do God’s will for me, even though I’m not quite sure what that is yet

“I was born and raised in southern California. I went to a private Christian school, and was in a bubble where I didn’t experience too much. My sophomore year I did track, and I met a girl from another team who was going out of state for school. She was very wise, her reasoning to leave the state was to grow and to depend on God - it made so much sense to me. I chose SPU because I wanted to move away from home; I liked the feel of SPU - everyone cared about each other so much. Another reason why I moved out here was so I could depend on God. I want to do something to help people, I want to serve. I believe that part of my calling is to help others. I want to do God’s will for me, even though I’m not quite sure what that is yet.”

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