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I was meant to help people in a positive light

It was 6th grade when I got the news. That dreaded day that turned me from an outgoing and carefree middle schooler to a person that secluded and stayed off to the sides. It was that day that I found out my dad had cancer. It hit me the hardest out of all my family members. I stopped everything that I loved. It all changed quickly. I stopped swimming, which had been the biggest part of my life for so long. This new quieter version of me was the short-term outcome, but there was a lasting impact of that news. Since that news was given to me, I realized that I went through this for a reason. I knew that after this experience I was meant to help people in a positive light. I wanted to take this horrible experience and run with it. I want to become a child life specialist in a children’s hospital. I want to be able to help children that are going through things that are similar to what I went through. They could be in the hospital themselves battling or they could be experiencing a parent go through an illness. What matters to me is that they know they are not alone. I was alone when I went through it. I never want anyone to feel that way at such a young age.

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