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I felt God calling me

When it came time to choose a college, the only reason I ended up here is because I felt God calling me to SPU. The funny thing is, I hadn’t really met God yet. Logically, there were other schools that made more sense for a multitude of reasons, especially for basketball. But I’ve never found my identity in only what I am able to do on the court. Fast forward two years to this past summer, when I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Through this, I had the chance to interact with kids while also fully feeling the presence of God for the first time. To top it all off, I ended up saying ‘yes’ to getting baptized, a decision I felt confident in but still wanted to share with my non-Christian parents. With their support, that night my life was forever changed because of God’s love and faithfulness. Now I am back at SPU, waking up every morning and going to practice, continuing to learn more and more about what it is to be a disciple and investing fully in this community.

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